Jul 11, 2023Liked by The irrationalist

To understand a complex system, fuck her gently and observe

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I had not thought of this as breaking a social script, but I think I do this most days because... it's fun? I don't do it necessarily in every transaction, but it's nice to have at least one or two stranger-interactions per day that are not completely unthinking. You can make strangers laugh! It's a lot of fun. In general you also get better service because it reminds people that you, too, are human.

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Yeah, I agree it's fun! It's certainly not "breaking" as you'd break a glass bottle but breaking more like "breaking out of the matrix".

What are some of your tricks and some of the dialogues that happens when you talk to strangers?

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Yes I understood what you mean about breaking *out* of the script rather than 'breaking' it :) I haven't got any good examples from today but I just saw this, which seems like a brilliant example: https://annekadet.substack.com/p/skwon

(Scroll down to the Skwon section)

I'm totally doing this (not specifically with this word, but generally). If I can keep a straight face (!)

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